Monday, October 24, 2011

Equality / Inequality – T4W1 Task Due 2/11

Hello, welcome back to school for Term 4.  This term in English we will be focussing on the topic of ‘Equality / Inequality’.  Most of the work we will be doing in class looks at food in relation to this topic.

So, your homework for week one is to visit, play the English Grammar quiz (you may need to go to the subject link at the top of the screen and then choose ‘English Grammar’ as it starts on ‘Vocabulary’ by default) and then post up a screen shot (either use print screen on the keyboard or use ‘snipping tool’ if you have it) of your score onto your blog.  You need to do this by Wednesday 2nd November.

Before you start playing on, have a read of these English comics from the  I’ve only put up a snippet of each comic so click through using the links to view the whole thing.  They explain some simple things to do with English that you need to know :)


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

If I could change our school I would... T3W10 Task Due 26/10

A few pieces of homework while you are on holiday - nice and easy stuff too :)

1. Imagine you are in charge of our school and you can make any changes you want.
What would they be?

I want you to write 3 - 4 paragraphs out lining different changes you would make and why.

For example:
If I was in charge of our school I would build a school swimming pool behind our astro turf.  I believe that having a pool would benefit us in many ways.  Firstly, learners that are keen on swimming could train here and we could start up teams for sports such as water polo and underwater hockey.  This would add to the sports our school has on offer for students and make our school more appealing.  Adding a pool onto our school grounds would be beneficial to all learners as we could then offer swimming lessons during P.E. classes.  This is a good idea because New Zealand is surrounded by coastline, where many people drown each year.  Equipping our learners with the skills they need in the water through swimming lessons may help to decrease our countries sad drownings statistic while also providing a form of exercise.  If we had a school pool we could charge the public to use it after school hours.  This would mean the community could benefit from the facilities too, while our school makes a profit from it.

2. Try uploading a photo from your holiday to your blog OR write about the best part of your holiday.

3. You have a reading assessment next term - you need to have read two books for it, one must be fiction.
Sort out some books to read and start over the holidays.  If you have already read something and want to use it for your assessment, you need to make sure you will have access to the book next term.

Enjoy your holidays.  Keep safe, have fun and see you next term.