Make a Movie!
You can do this by yourself, in pairs, a group - I don't mind.
You could make a movie about your holidays, re-make a music video, come up with your own script for a short film, make a mini documentary or a montage of photos to music (you can check out the pretty average videos that I have made for my blog on vimeo if you don't know what I mean).
It's easy to put together movies in Movie Maker, which is free to download.
Once you have made your movie upload it to You Tube or Vimeo - you can make it private so the rest of the world can't see it if you wish.
Grab the embed code for your video off the site you have uploaded it to and pop it onto your blog so I can check your awesome work.
Now, if you are having trouble with any of these things, let me know and I will try help out. However, there are heaps of tutorials available on line. Just use google.